Selasa, 28 April 2015

Kerjasama Econtext Asia dan Tokopedia

Econtext Asia Limited  merupakan perusahaan e-payment services, marketing research,  dan e-commerce solutions  yang berpusat di Hongkong sejak 10 September 2012. Mulai melantai di bursa saham Hong Kong sejak  19 Desember 2013 yang lalu dengan stock code 1390.
Di Indonesia, eContext memiliki anak perusahaan dengan berbendera PT. Midtrans (veritrans Indonesia). Dengan total asset mencapai HK$ 3,340,430,000 berhasil membukukan keuntungan sebelum pajak sebesar HK$ 109,786,000 di tahun 2014.
Kerjasama eContext Asia dan  PT. Tokopedia dapat dibaca dalam laporan keuangan 2014 yang lalu diantaranya berbunyi;
“On 2 May 2013, Veritrans transferred its entire interest in PT. Tokopedia being 178 shares of IDR 1,000,000 (approximately HK$ 779) each, to the company for a consideration for of US$ 730,791 (approximately HK$ 5.7 million). On 3 June 2014, the company entered into a share sale and purchase agreement with EC Fund, a joint venture of the group, in relation to the transfer of 178 shares of PT. Tokopedia, which represent approximately 6.62 % equity interest”.
Adapun tujuan  kerjasama ini menurut eContext adalah sebagai berikut;
“ EC Fund was established for the purpose of making investments in Japanese e-commerce companies targeting emerging markets in Asia and Asian e-commerce companies. The main focus of EC Fund will be to invest in e-commerce businesses including online marketplace and to develop and support such businesses that will open up more opportunities for online payment businesses. PT. Tokopedia was incorporated in Indonesia as an operator of  e- commerce platform. Though the Groups primary focus will continue to be online payment services, advertising related services and other e-commerce services, as the main focus of EC Fund includes investing in Asian e-commerce companies,  PT. Tokopedia is a suitable investment for EC Fund which will be in accordance with the purpose of EC Fund. As this is the first investment to be made by EC Fund, selection of a good investment will attract potential investors of EC Fund. In addition, the Group will recognise a gain on transfer of PT. Tokopedia to EC Fund, while it will still indirectly hold approximately 3.31% interest in PT. Tokopedia. The Directors therefore consider that to transfer PT. Tokopedia to EC Fund will help development of e-commerce business and will be beneficial to both the Group and EC Fund”.
Apa yang dilakukan oleh Tokopedia patut dicontoh. Jika kita mau besar dalam bisnis maka upaya menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak lain yang kompeten merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa kita hindari. Terlebih lagi jika kita mau memenangkan persaingan dalam dunia e-commerce.