Minggu, 26 April 2015

Definisi Artificial Intelligence

Di tahun 2014 Y Combinator pernah membuat peta peluang bisnis tech startup yang masih bersifat blue ocean alias masih belum banyak yang menjamah dan menjelajahinya. Ke sepuluh peluang tersebut antara lain startup yang fokus pada ; energy, artificial intelligence (kecerdasan buatan), robot, teknologi biologi, kesehatan, obat-obatan, virtual reality and augmented reality, alat programming, Hollywood 2.0, dan telekomunikasi. Khusus untuk bidang artificial intelligence setidaknya sudah ada dua situs yang sudah beroperasi yaitu Enlitic dan Metamind.
Kali ini, Trafiklink hanya ingin mengunggah definisi artificial intelligence yang dikutip dari Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. Berikut kutipan tersebut;
“Artificial intelligence (AI) a term that in its broadest sense would indicate the ability of an artifact to perform the same kinds of functions that characterize human thought. The possibility of developing some such artifact has intrigued human beings since ancient times. With the growth of modern science, the search for AI has taken two major directions : psychological and physiological research into the nature of human thought, and the technological development of increasingly sophisticated computing systems.
In the latter sense, the term AI has been applied to computer systems and programs capable of performing tasks more complex than straightforward programming, although still far from the realm of actual thought. The most important fields of research in this area are information processing, pattern recognition, game-playing computers, and applied fields such as medical diagnosis. Current research in information processing deals with programs that enable a computer to understand written or spoken information and to produce summaries, answer specific questions, or redistribute information to users interested in specific areas of this information. Essential to such programs is the ability of the system to generate grammatically correct sentences and to establish lingkages between words, ideas, and associations with other ideas.
Research has shown that where as the logic of language structure-its syntax-submits to programming, the problem of meaning, or semantics, lies for deeper, in the direction of true AI.
In medicine, program have been developed that analyze the disease symptoms, medical history, and laboratory test results of a patient, and then suggest a diagnosis to the physician. The diagnostic computer is an example of so called expert systems computer that are able to perform humanlike tasks in specialized areas. Expert systems take computer a step beyond straightforward programming, being based on a technique called rule-based inference, in which pre established rule systems are used to process the incoming data.
Despite their sophistication, expert systems still do not begin to approach the complexity of true intelligent thought. Many scientists remain doubtful that true AI can ever be developed. The operation of the human mind is still little understood, and computer design may remain essentially incapable of analogously duplicating these unknown, complex processes.
Various routes are being used in the effort to reach the goal of true AI, which might be most simply divided into “logical” and “unlogical” approaches.
The former try to enhance the speed and sophistication of computing systems along lines already in use, while the latter try to introduce some of the “messy” inferential nature of actual thought processes. Such forms include the technique at parallel processing-interlinked and concurrent computer operations”.
Jika demikian kondisinya maka seberapa besar modal yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai bisnis tech startup di bidang artificial intelligence ini? Seberapa banyak research yang harus dilalui? Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan?